
He/she makes sure that the software or application conforms to the customer’s specifications before delivery.
He/she completes a preparatory and analyzis work: he/she sets a strategy, schedules the operations, develops testing tools, perform tests, analyzes the results and transmits his/her recommendations to the development team in charge of corrections.
He/she is also in charge of the creation, updates and of the communication related to the technical documents /design linked to his/her mission.
He/she maintains and updates the bug base and transmits the eventual needs to the development teams.

Expertise and skills
- Mastery of the tested software
- Planning and follow up of the tests evolution in accordance with the specifications

With an engineer background (Bac+5), he/she has an at least 2 years experience.
He/she is able to work in an Agile team.
He/she masters the different methodologies of tests and has a successful experience in IT testing, locally or abroad.
He/she also has some notions in software development.
He/she has a good knowledge of English.