For a successful digital transition.


Information and Communication Technologies are an enabler for integrated and inclusive human development … and to improve the country’s standing « Nation Brand » :

All over the world, governments continue to invest in digital transformation initiatives to optimise public service costs, reform their administrative processes and improve the quality and efficiency of the service provided to their users.

They are developing dematerialised public services, mainly in the areas of e-learning, e-working, e-health, e-environment and e-social protection. Their objective is to improve public services, democratic processes and public policies."


The digitization of public services requires a strategic vision, governance and the acquisition of human capital to implement them.

Whatever your progress, our experts and consultants are on-hand throughout your project :


Build an e-government prospective aligned with your public policies

Success requires a shared understanding of the challenges. Objectives can be prioritised by adopting a common approach to analysing processes and understanding the organization.We support you in the undertaking of key aspects such as:

Build an e-government prospective aligned with your public policies

Success requires a shared understanding of the challenges. Objectives can be prioritised by adopting a common approach to analysing processes and understanding the organization.We support you in the undertaking of key aspects such as:


Build the foundations required to digitize public services

Strategic avenues are turned into short- and long-term action plans, complete with a commitment on the part of the teams to
deliver on time. We help you to engage in enlightened governance and will remain in control of your transformation.nnectivity, Infrastructures and enablers :

  • Governance and organization
  • Legal framework
  • Standards
  • Telecoms & IT infrastructure

Build the foundations required to digitize public services

Strategic avenues are turned into short- and long-term action plans, complete with a commitment on the part of the teams to
deliver on time. We help you to engage in enlightened governance and will remain in control of your transformation.nnectivity, Infrastructures and enablers :

  • Governance and organization
  • Legal framework
  • Standards
  • Telecoms & IT infrastructure

Deploy digital Government services

Knowledge is imparted as the project unfolds, with our consultants and your teams working
together on a daily basis.The end of the project is marked by a formal transfer of tools and
methods :

Deploy digital Government services

Knowledge is imparted as the project unfolds, with our consultants and your teams working
together on a daily basis.The end of the project is marked by a formal transfer of tools and
methods :

Change Management

Drive change and boost your teams’ abilities

Position your agents and citizens at the core of your digital transformation to ensure sustainable performance. Our change management service can help you to boost your agents’ skills, motivation and commitment, and run your administration in accordance with your strategic choices throughout all levels of your organization :

  • Implementation of long-term transformation through the motivation of public officials and citizens’ ability to use new services
  • Setting up a communication plan with public officials and citizens
  • Identification of digital skills to be honed, implementation of training programmes

Drive change and boost your teams’ abilities

Position your agents and citizens at the core of your digital transformation to ensure sustainable performance. Our change management service can help you to boost your agents’ skills, motivation and commitment, and run your administration in accordance with your strategic choices throughout all levels of your organization :

  • Implementation of long-term transformation through the motivation of public officials and citizens’ ability to use new services
  • Setting up a communication plan with public officials and citizens
  • Identification of digital skills to be honed, implementation of training programmes


  • End to end Vision : From defining your strategy to implementing it operationally, our approach is all-encompassing, based on interaction and co-construction.
  • A unique expertise in telecommunications : We have a global understanding of digital transformation challenges.
  • An international group, a local know-how : We share with our customers the best practices and experience gained through our missions across the world.We make sure that the solutions offered are a good fit for the local context.
  • Multi-domain skills clusters, capitalizing on Orange's innovations  : Sofrecom's know-how network is above all a powerful chain of know-how and expertise connecting up its customers, Orange's experts, and its industrial and local partners. We can mobilize target-specific skills and benefit from the expertise of the Orange Group.
  • A guarantee of know-How transfer for a long-lasting transformation.

You want to know more about it,

Karime Bensaid

Head of Digital Gouvernment practice

Contact our expert 

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