Customer case

Data Governance and Data Factory to improve margin reliability

Fri 30 Aug 2024

In a market as dynamic and complex as international calls, data reliability is crucial for decision-making. A global operator recently engaged Sofrecom to enhance the reliability of its accounting, business, and vendor margins. This three-month project led to the implementation of Data Governance and a Data Factory, resulting in significant benefits in terms of data reliability and deliverable production.

The project

Wholesale voice is a trading activity involving the purchase and sale of international call minutes. To manage this activity, the operator uses three types of margins: accounting, business, and vendor. However, the complexity and dynamism of the market make it difficult to unify the vision of these margins. In this context, Sofrecom was called upon to improve the reliability of margin calculations and to facilitate the production of deliverables.

Project objectives

The main objectives of this project were as follows:

  • Improve the reliability of the three margin calculations (accounting, business, and vendor).
  • Facilitate the production of deliverables.
  • Describe the data production process and propose improvements.

Our methodology

To achieve these objectives, Sofrecom experts adopted a rigorous and structured methodology involving several key steps:

  • Initial diagnosis :  The first step involved a series of in-depth interviews with all stakeholders in the data production chain. A total of 28 interviews were conducted with data producers, consumers, management, and operational staff. These interviews allowed for a precise diagnosis of the issues encountered and the specific needs of each stakeholder.
  • Collaborative workshops : Following the interviews, four workshops were organized with management to converge on a common solution. These workshops defined the main aspects of Data Governance and the Data Factory, directly involving decision-makers in the design process.
  • Implementation of Data Governance : Data Governance was established to assign responsibility to the actors in the data production chain. Data Owners, associated with business terms, offers, and margins, were appointed and tasked with writing business rules and data quality rules. These rules apply to Data Feeders and are monitored by Data Stewards, ensuring enhanced data quality and reliability.
  • Creation of the Data Factory : Simultaneously, a Data Factory was created to support users in their use of data. An inventory of IC analysts' skills was conducted, and an initial roadmap of tools and dashboards was made available. This Data Factory centralizes and standardizes data production processes, making it easier to use and analyze data.
  • Continuous improvement : Finally, a continuous improvement process was established to ensure the sustainability of the results achieved. Performance indicators were defined to measure the effectiveness of the new practices, and adjustments are made based on user feedback.

Clients benefits

Sofrecom's support brought numerous benefits to the international operator:

  • Increased margin reliability: Thanks to the implementation of Data Governance and the Data Factory, the reliability of accounting, business, and vendor margin calculations has been significantly improved. The business rules and data quality rules defined by Data Owners and monitored by Data Stewards ensure optimal data quality.
  • Facilitated deliverable production: The centralization and standardization of data production processes have considerably facilitated the production of deliverables. Users now have tools and dashboards tailored to their needs, enabling them to work more efficiently and respond more quickly.
  • Transparency and traceability: The detailed description of the data production process has brought increased transparency and traceability. Stakeholders in the production chain can now track the origin and journey of data, making it easier to identify areas for improvement.
  • Accountability of actors: The implementation of Data Governance has allowed for the accountability of various actors in the production chain. Data Owners, Data Feeders, and Data Stewards now play a key role in managing and ensuring data quality, leading to better coordination and greater involvement from everyone.
  • Continuous improvement: The continuous improvement process ensures the sustainability of the results achieved. Performance indicators measure the effectiveness of the new practices, and actions are adjusted based on feedback, ensuring a constant improvement in data quality.


This project, led by Sofrecom, significantly improved the reliability of margins and facilitated the production of deliverables through the implementation of Data Governance and a Data Factory. This rigorous and structured approach has delivered tangible benefits in terms of reliability, transparency, and stakeholder accountability, ensuring better data management and more informed decision-making.