Customer case

Deployment of social listening

Thu 08 Aug 2024

In 2020, Sofrecom undertook a project to deploy a Social Listening approach within the marketing teams. This year-long project resulted in significant advancements in understanding customer expectations and improving services. Discover how Sofrecom assisted an international operator in optimizing its marketing processes using the Talkwalker tool.

Project objectives

The primary objective of this project was to continue the implementation of a Social Listening approach within the marketing teams of an international operator. This involved promoting the use of the Talkwalker tool, conducting various customer listening studies, and training teams for optimal adoption. The project also aimed to update existing queries and create new queries, dashboards, and alerts to meet the specific needs of the marketing teams.

The methodology implemented by our experts

The methodology adopted by Sofrecom was based on the expertise of Sofrecom consultants in social media and social listening and on a proactive, collaborative, and structured step-by-step approach:

  • Initial analysis and planning: A detailed analysis of needs and objectives was conducted to define a clear action plan. This phase helped identify priorities and structure the different stages of the project.
  • Implementation of the Talkwalker tool: Sofrecom consultants ensured the setup and proper functioning of the Talkwalker tool. This included creating new queries, updating existing queries, as well as creating customized dashboards and alerts.
  • Communication and demonstrations: Continuous and smooth communication with the marketing teams was essential. Sofrecom organized regular demonstrations to share results and show the advantages of the Talkwalker tool. These demonstrations were conducted during team meetings, management committee meetings, and specific events.
  • Training and personalized support: Over 500 people were trained to use the Talkwalker tool. Sofrecom consultants organized and conducted personalized training sessions to ensure rapid and effective tool adoption. A growing demand for training and support was observed, indicating the interest and commitment of the marketing teams.
  • Curiosity and determination: The Sofrecom team demonstrated curiosity and determination to complete analyses and studies, identifying the most relevant insights for the marketing teams. This approach helped better understand customer expectations and improve the services offered by the operator.
  • Expertise in social media and social listening: In-depth expertise in social media and social listening was necessary to understand the language of internet users and effectively use Boolean operators. This expertise maximized the benefits of the Talkwalker tool for the marketing teams.

Benefits for the client

The project led by Sofrecom provided numerous benefits for the Marketing departments and their teams:

  1. Improved understanding of customer expectations: Through the customer listening studies conducted, the client was able to better understand their customers' expectations and needs. This allowed them to adapt the services and products offered to better meet these expectations.
  2. Optimization of marketing processes: The implementation of the Talkwalker tool and the creation of customized queries optimized marketing processes. Teams could access relevant insights and make informed decisions to improve their marketing campaigns.
  3. Training and skills enhancement of teams: Over 500 people were trained in using the Talkwalker tool, leading to significant skill enhancement of the marketing teams. This training also facilitated rapid and effective tool adoption.
  4. Standardization of processes: Updating existing queries and creating new queries standardized social listening processes. This simplified operations and improved the overall efficiency of the marketing teams.
  5. Enhanced collaboration: Smooth communication and regular demonstrations strengthened collaboration between the marketing teams and Sofrecom experts. This collaboration maximized the benefits of the Talkwalker tool and improved marketing campaign results.
  6. Positive impact on Marketing results: Optimized marketing processes and a better understanding of customer expectations positively impacted marketing campaign results. The international operator could improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue through more targeted and effective campaigns.


Through a rigorous methodology and a collaborative approach, Sofrecom successfully carried out this strategic project. The implementation of Social Listening and the optimization of marketing processes improved the understanding of customer expectations and optimized marketing campaigns. This project perfectly illustrates Sofrecom's expertise in supporting telecom operators in their digital transformation.