Customer case

Digital Strategy and Roadmap in the Republic of Congo

Thu 17 Dec 2020


Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Congolese Government aim to accelerate digital development. A new sectoral policy must be defined to take into account current developments and align with the sector's evolution at both national and international levels.

To achieve this, Sofrecom has been tasked with:

  • Defining the country's digital strategy
  • Proposing an operational roadmap for digital development, considering the country's situation and available resources



Pour répondre aux attentes du gouvernement, notre équipe a réalisé cette étude en 7 étapes :

  • État des lieux du numérique en République du Congo et des attentes des acteurs (besoins, commande politique)
  • Diagnostics SWOT de la situation
  • Présentation de l’état de l’art en matière de numérique
  • Quantification des besoins et des coûts
  • Construction d’une vision stratégique (services, usages, infrastructures et gouvernance)
  • Priorisation et mise en perspective (coûts et moyens disponibles pour conduire ces politiques)
  • Élaboration de la feuille de route (priorité, jalons et phasage) du développement du numérique

To meet the government's expectations, our team conducted this study in 7 steps:

  1. Assessment of the digital landscape in the Republic of Congo and stakeholders' expectations (needs, political mandate)
  2. SWOT analysis of the situation
  3. Presentation of the state of the art in digital technology
  4. Quantification of needs and costs
  5. Construction of a strategic vision (services, uses, infrastructure, and governance)
  6. Prioritization and perspective (costs and available resources to implement these policies)
  7. Development of the digital roadmap (priorities, milestones, and phasing)


This study has given the Congolese government a clear vision of its digital strategy and how it will be implemented.

It now has an action plan to accelerate this development and the key factors for success.