Gender equality index

Fri 13 Mar 2020

Gender equality index

The Act of 5 September 2018 on the freedom to choose one's professional future (No. 2018-771, Article 104, France) requires companies, subject to staffing levels and timetables, to calculate indicators each year relating to the pay gap between women and men and the actions implemented to eliminate it, in accordance with the terms and methodology defined by Decree No. 2019-15 of 8 January 2019.

Indicator 1: Pay gap between women and men - score obtained 39/40 (favourable gap for women)

Indicator 2: Difference in the rate of individual salary increases - score obtained 20/20

Indicator 3: Difference in the rate of promotion - score obtained 10/15 (favourable gap for women)

Indicator 4: Percentage of employees having benefited from an increase in the year following their return from maternity leave - not applicable as no return from maternity leave in 2019.

Indicator 5: Number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest paid.

A score of 5/10 was obtained, i. e. an overall score of 74/85 reduced to a base 100 of 87 points.


Philippe Mazaud

Head of Human Ressources