MIPA identifies the best scenario for broadband in Albania.
In 2016, the Albanian State Ministry of Innovation and Public Administration (MIPA) launched a programme to bring broadband throughout the country with at least 100 Mbs for 50% of households and at least 30 Mbps for all Albanians. MIPA selected Sofrecom for a 3-month strategic study.
Albania's broadband development programme is based on the National Broadband Plan, which is a strategic document approved by the Council of Ministers, providing a clear orientation of what the Government, the public administration and the Regulator intend to do for the period 2013 - 2020, in order to develop the Internet throughout the country. This document defines the objectives to be achieved by 2020, such as facilitating access to high-speed transmission, at least 100 Mbps for 50% of households and at least 30 Mbps for all citizens in Albania. It is also part of an overall regional effort in the Western Balkans, supported by the European Union, to improve inter-connectivity and accessibility for all citizens.
‘As Minister of State for Innovation, in 2016 I launched a pre-feasibility study for the rollout of fixed broadband access networks across the country, focusing on supply and demand. In other words, how to create incentives for the deployment of NGA* networks and how to increase the take-up of broadband by Albanian citizens’.
Mandated by the UNDP, Sofrecom assisted MIPA in carrying out the pre-feasibility study. ‘Sofrecom was selected by MIPA and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the partner for the study within the framework of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), because of its strong ICT culture, its experience of working with different authorities such as Regulators, Ministerial Departments, funding agencies, and its experience gained in other consultancy assignments in Asia, Africa and the Middle East’.
Sofrecom helped MIPA to quantitatively assess the feasibility of broadband development in Albania, as well as the investment required and the different public-private financing mechanisms.
Sofrecom's approach included the following achievements:
Benchmark of relevant best practices in five countries: Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania and Poland;
- Assessment of current broadband services and ICT coverage in Albania;
- Study of demand throughout the country, with a focus on 13 municipalities selected from 65;
- Access and backbone architecture scenarios;
- CapEx and OpEx modelling;
- Business model for the 13 selected municipalities;
- Extrapolation of the business model to 3 zones covering the whole of Albania;
The pre-feasibility study provides MIPA with an understanding of the broadband market in Albania at a national and municipal level, analysing the current situation and the dynamics of market players, products, pricing, market share, technology, demand, services and usage.
‘MIPA now has a clear vision of the next steps and the roadmap to follow, with a precise diagnosis of the telecoms infrastructures in 13 municipalities and a recommended scenario for developing broadband, chosen for its cost-effectiveness ratio.’
*NGA: Next-Generation Access