Customer case

Opportunity study on brain-computer interfaces

Tue 16 Jul 2024

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) represent a breakthrough with potential applications in various sectors. Sofrecom recently conducted a project for a telecom operator to identify the most promising BCI use cases and provide scenarios and forecasts.

A brain-computer interface (BCI) refers to a direct link system between a brain and a computer, allowing an individual to perform tasks without going through the action of peripheral nerves and muscles. This type of device allows you to control a computer, a prosthesis, or any other automated system with your mind, without using your arms, hands, or legs. The concept dates back to 1973, and the first human trials date back to the mid-1990s. 
Source: Inserm

Project Objectives

The main objective of this mission was to identify markets likely to integrate BCIs through their promising use cases. Based on technological and economic predictions, Sofrecom imagined the evolution of BCI usage in these markets and estimated potential revenues. In addition, the study aimed to explain future changes to current value chains due to BCI. And, also, to provide recommendations on the positioning of the telecom operator in the event of the arrival of BCI.

The Methodology implemented by our experts

The methodology adopted by Sofrecom for this mission was rigorous and structured, guaranteeing relevant and actionable results for the client.

  • Comparison of different BCIs and choice of EEG: Sofrecom began with a comparative analysis of the different BCI technologies available. Electroencephalography (EEG) has been identified as the most conducive to adoption due to its advantages in terms of cost, ease of use, and technological maturity.
  • Identifying the main uses of EEG: Three main uses of EEG have been identified: extended reality, B2C (Business to Consumer) applications, and B2B (Business to Business) applications. This identification made it possible to target specific markets where EEG could have a significant impact.
  • Description of specific markets: For each identified market, Sofrecom produced a detailed presentation including the role of BCI, a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), and existing examples if available. This step made it possible to contextualize the use of BCIs in each market and to understand the dynamics at play.
  • Scenarios and forecasts: Prospective scenarios have been developed to imagine the future uses of BCIs in the identified markets. These scenarios were accompanied by revenue forecasts, making it possible to judge the interest for the telecom operator in the event of the appearance of BCI.
  • Value chain: Sofrecom also analyzed current value chains and explained future changes due to the integration of BCIs. This analysis highlighted the synergy between the adoption of BCIs and the existing offerings of the telecom operator.
  • Exchanges with experts: In-depth exchanges were held with experts from the selected markets at the telecom operator. These discussions enriched the study by providing internal perspectives and validating the hypotheses formulated.
  • Cross-cutting uses of BCI: A discussion on the cross-cutting uses of BCI has been included to explore potential applications beyond the specific markets identified. This holistic approach has identified additional opportunities for the operator.
  • Recommendations: Finally, Sofrecom provided strategic recommendations on the positioning of the telecom operator in the event of the arrival of BCI. These recommendations aimed to prepare the operator's offers and expertise and to validate current research on the subject.

Client benefits

Sofrecom's support has provided several answers to the challenges of the telecom operator:

1. Identifying market opportunities: thanks to an in-depth analysis, the operator was able to identify the most promising markets for the integration of BCIs, which allowed it to position itself strategically upstream of the adoption of this technology.

2. Preparing for innovation: prospective scenarios and revenue forecasts have enabled the operator to prepare for innovation by anticipating future changes and adapting its offerings and value chains accordingly.

3. Strategic recommendations: the recommendations provided by Sofrecom helped the operator to define a clear strategy for the integration of BCIs, considering market dynamics and consumer needs.

4.Validation of current research: the study also made it possible to validate the operator's current research on BCIs, by providing external perspectives and confirming the hypotheses formulated.

5. Synergy with existing offers: by highlighting the synergy between the adoption of BCIs and existing offerings, Sofrecom helped the operator maximize the value of its current and future investments.

The opportunity study on brain-computer interfaces conducted by Sofrecom allowed the telecom operator to define its positioning in this emerging field. Thanks to a rigorous methodology and the recommendations of our consultants, the operator now has the levers and solutions to integrate this innovative technology into its strategy and to take advantage of it to strengthen its leading position in the market.