Customer case

Optimization of fiber deployment operations

Thu 08 Aug 2024

Sofrecom recently assisted a fiber infrastructure operator in France in improving and automating its FTTH network deployment tracking tools. Through rigorous methodology and deep technical expertise, Sofrecom identified areas for improvement to enhance the performance of the operator's network. This article provides a detailed description of the mission, methodology employed, and benefits for the client.

The project

In France, the regulatory framework distinguishes between commercial operators, who provide services to end customers, and infrastructure operators, who deploy the fiber local loop and make it available to commercial operators. The fiber infrastructure operator sought Sofrecom's assistance in improving and automating its deployment and performance tracking tools.

Project objectives

The main objectives of this project were to:

  • Produce weekly and monthly FTTH dashboards to track deployments for commercial and infrastructure operators.
  • Ensure data repository feeding and maintenance.
  • Collect, clean, and integrate data files to produce reports.
  • Monitor the migration to a new data repository through double runs and qualifications.
  • Address analysis requests and various needs.

The methodology implemented by our experts

  1. Analysis and Design:

  Initial evaluation: A comprehensive assessment of existing tools and the operator's specific needs was conducted.        This included analyzing database management systems, querying tools, and statistical techniques used (Excel, SQL).

     2. Definition of requirements:

Project requirements were clearly defined, taking into account data security issues and specific Business Intelligence (BI) needs, including the use of PowerBI and Talend ETL.

    3. Development and implementation:

Dashboard development: Weekly and monthly dashboards were designed to provide a clear and accurate overview of deployments. These dashboards enable effective tracking of commercial and infrastructure operators' performance.

Process automation: Data collection, cleaning, and integration processes were automated. This reduced human errors and improved overall efficiency.

Data migration: The migration to a new data repository was carried out in two stages: double runs to ensure operational continuity and qualification to ensure the accuracy of migrated data.

   4. Validation and Testing:

Validation testing: Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure that all developed tools function properly and meet the defined requirements. This included performance and data security testing.

Client validation: All developed solutions were validated in collaboration with the client to ensure they meet their expectations and specific needs.

  5. Training and support:

User training: End users were trained in the use of the new tools and dashboards. This training facilitated rapid and effective adoption of the implemented solutions.

Ongoing support: Continuous support was provided to resolve any potential issues and ensure that the tools continue to function optimally.

Client benefits

The project brought several significant benefits to the fiber infrastructure operator in France:

  • Improved efficiency: Dashboard production is now faster, enabling more effective and timely decision-making.
  • Data security: Data security issues were addressed, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of information.
  • Business continuity: The migration to the new data repository was regression-free, ensuring business continuity and user satisfaction.
  • Responsiveness: The developed tools enable quick responses to specific analysis requests, offering greater flexibility and responsiveness.


The project conducted by Sofrecom for the fiber infrastructure operator in France is a perfect example of how a rigorous methodological approach and technical expertise can transform a company's operations. By improving efficiency, security, and responsiveness, Sofrecom enabled its client to better meet market challenges and strengthen its competitive position.