Customer case

Preparation for the end of the Copper Network

Mon 07 Oct 2024

One of the main telecommunications operators in the French market has recently announced its intention to decommission its copper network by 2030. This strategic decision required a thorough assessment of the technical and financial impacts, as well as the search for suitable solutions to meet customer needs. In this context, Sofrecom was engaged to support the client in this major transition.

Project objectives

The primary objective of this project was to evaluate and measure all technical and financial impacts related to the closure of the copper network. The end of this infrastructure involves significant changes for the operator and its customers. Sofrecom was tasked with:

  • Assessing product and technical impacts following the closure of the copper network
  • Analyzing risks for customers and their revenue
  • Proposing solutions to meet identified needs
  • Modeling financial impacts and determining the best scenarios

Methodology implemented by our experts

The methodology established by Sofrecom to assist its client in the closure of the copper network is based on four key sub-projects.

  1. Assessment of product/technical impacts: the first step involved evaluating all technical impacts resulting from the closure of the copper network. Sofrecom conducted a thorough analysis of existing infrastructures, equipment, and services deployed on the copper network. This assessment helped determine the necessary adjustments to migrate to alternative solutions, such as fiber optics.
  2. Assessment of customer risks and revenue: the closure of the copper network poses a major challenge for this operator, as tt involves significant financial risks. Sofrecom conducted a meticulous evaluation of risks for each customer, considering their dependence on the copper network and available alternative solutions. This analysis aligned financial risks with the customer's short- and medium-term strategic plans.
  3. Search for suitable solutions: once the impacts and risks were identified, Sofrecom worked closely with on-site teams to find tailored solutions for each customer. This required an in-depth analysis of each customer's specific needs, as well as a thorough understanding of alternative technologies available in the market. Sofrecom was able to propose customized solutions, such as dark fiber offers between network connection nodes, to ensure a smooth transition away from the copper network.
  4. Modeling financial impacts and optimal scenarios: finally, Sofrecom modeled the potential financial impacts of the closure of the copper network, considering the various proposed solutions. This modeling helped identify the most favorable scenarios for the customer in terms of profitability and customer satisfaction. Through this rigorous approach, the customer was able to make informed decisions and implement necessary actions to minimize financial impacts while providing effective solutions to its customers.

Benefits provided to the customer

Sofrecom's support allowed for the identification of concrete benefits for the operator in this transition towards the end of the copper network.

  1. Service continuity: through a thorough analysis of each customer's specific needs, Sofrecom was able to propose suitable alternative solutions, such as dark fiber, to ensure uninterrupted service continuity. Customers of this operator can migrate to more efficient technologies while maintaining their operations without major disruptions.
  2. Reduction of financial risks: by meticulously evaluating financial risks for each customer, Sofrecom enabled the operator to align its short- and medium-term strategic plans with the risks associated with the closure of the copper network and to consider the financial impacts of this transition.
  3. Performance improvement: the migration to alternative technologies, such as fiber optics, allows the operator's customers to benefit from improved performance in terms of speed, reliability, and capacity. The study conducted by Sofrecom highlighted new service opportunities for customers, serving as a lever for new revenue and growth.

Thanks to Sofrecom's support, the operator was able to evaluate and measure the technical and financial impacts of the closure of the copper network while offering tailored solutions to its customers. The rigorous methodology implemented by Sofrecom aligned financial risks with strategic plans and defined a smooth transition plan towards high-performing alternative technologies.