Customer case

Skills adapted to market changes

Tue 16 Jul 2024

In a context of rapid transformation of wholesale technologies and international networks, operators must adapt to remain competitive. Sofrecom recently supported a wholesale operator in implementing a strategy for acquiring and developing business skills. This project aimed to anticipate business developments and prepare teams for future challenges by equipping them with the necessary skills. Discover how Sofrecom helped this operator through a rigorous methodology and the concrete benefits of this support.

The methodology implemented by our experts

The objective was to build action plans for acquiring and developing skills in strategic professions, anticipating workforce changes, supporting team renewal, and finally, creating a community across the entire division.
The methodology adopted by Sofrecom for this mission is based on several key steps, each designed to ensure optimal adaptation to technological and business developments in the wholesale sector.

1. Identifying business and technological developments

  • Research and Interviews: the first step consisted of an in-depth analysis of current and future trends in the wholesale telecommunications operator market. Sofrecom conducted detailed research and organized interviews with experts and managers to identify relevant technological and business developments.
  • Impact analysis: the information gathered was analyzed to understand the potential impacts on all wholesale professions. This analysis identified the "high stakes" professions, i.e., those that will be essential to support the evolution of the business and the transformations of the wholesale telecommunications operator market.

2. Co-constructing action plans

  • Multidisciplinary team: a project team was formed at the division level, comprising members from different entities. This multidisciplinary team made it possible to benefit from diverse expertise and perspectives to nourish the reflections.
  • Collaborative methodology: a co-construction methodology was adopted, involving employees, managers, and Human Resources (HR). This collaborative approach ensured that the action plans were realistic, adapted to needs, and supported by all stakeholders.
  • Defining action plans: skills acquisition and development action plans were defined for the most impacted professions. These plans include training, professional development programs, and targeted recruitment initiatives.

3. Facilitating the collective

Sofrecom supported the "Skills & Talents" project team on the different streams of the project and facilitated the collective to create and maintain a positive and productive team dynamic throughout the project. This facilitation was essential to consider the diversity of professions and situations. They made it possible to identify the necessary evolutions and the skills adaptations to be implemented.

Benefits for the client

Sofrecom's support has brought several concrete benefits to the wholesale operator, both strategically and operationally.

1. Anticipating developments

  • Preparing for transformations: b identifying technological and business developments, the operator was able to anticipate future transformations and prepare accordingly. This has reduced the risks associated with rapid changes in the sector.
  • Skills adaptation: the defined action plans have made it possible to develop the skills necessary to support business developments. Teams are now better prepared to meet future challenges.

2. Team renewal

  • Workforce management: the operator was able to anticipate workforce changes and support the renewal of teams in the impacted professions. This has made it possible to maintain a competent workforce adapted to future needs.
  • Targeted recruitment: targeted recruitment initiatives have made it possible to attract talent with the necessary skills for strategic professions, thus strengthening the operator's competitiveness.

3. Creating an HR community

  • Strengthening links: the creation of an HR community across the division has strengthened links between the different entities. This community promotes collaboration and the sharing of best practices.
  • Team dynamics: facilitating the collective has contributed to creating a positive team dynamic, essential for the effective implementation of action plans.

Sofrecom's support has enabled the telecom operator in the wholesale segment to develop a strategy for acquiring and developing business skills, essential for adapting to the transformations in the sector. Thanks to a rigorous and collaborative methodology, the operator was able to anticipate technological and business developments, renew its teams, and create a dynamic HR community.