To start its 50th anniversary celebrations, the Orange subsidiary Sofrecom is organizing with its affiliate Sofrecom Tunisia a conference in Tunis on the challenges of offshore operations and digitalization.
Sofrecom: 50 years of transformation and innovation
Sofrecom, an Orange Group company, is a world leading specialist in telecommunications consultancy and engineering. This year it will celebrate its 50 years of transformation and innovation services to operators, governments and regulators worldwide.
This emblematic milestone will be celebrated throughout the year in the countries where Sofrecom operates (1) in the presence of Orange directors, French official representatives, and ministers and institutions from the host country. The festivities will begin this Wednesday, 30th March, in Tunis with an event to mark half a century of agility in bringing to its clients Orange’s innovations on networks and usage ecosystems.
This first celebration symbolizes Tunisia's importance for Orange Group which has made Africa and the Middle East priority markets in its "Essentiels2020" Strategic Plan, and which wishes to contribute to Tunisia's economic development through its subsidiaries Sofrecom and Orange Tunisia, the country’s first alternate operator with over 3 million customers.
The day's ceremony will be the kick-off of a conference about offshore operations and digitalization challenges, under the patronage of Mr. Noomane Fehri, Minister of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy and Mr. Zied Ladhari, Minister of Vocational Training and Employment. Other notable attendants include:
- Mr. Raouf Mhenni, President of Smart Tunisia,
- Mr. François Gouyette, French Ambassador to Tunisia
- Mr. Marc Rennard, Deputy Chief Executive Officer in charge of customer experience and mobile financial services at Orange Group,
- Mr. Jacques Moulin, Sofrecom Group Chief Executive Officer,
- Ms. Siwar Farhat, Sofrecom Tunisia Chief Executive Officer,
- Mr. Didier Charvet, Orange Tunisia Chief Executive Officer.
A number of speeches highlighted Sofrecom's ability to support its customers in their digital transformation. The Group intends to make a substantial contribution to the success of the "Digital Tunisia 2018" National Strategic Plan, notably by creating new employment opportunities at Sofrecom Tunisia which will need young graduates to drive it growth.
Sofrecom Tunisia to create 200 new jobs by 2017
Sofrecom Tunisia is Sofrecom's fifth implantation in North Africa and the Middle East after Algeria, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. It regularly fills posts requiring specific qualifications by drawing on local talent. In order to certify and hire young graduates, it has built close relations with Tunisia's higher education establishments and universities that dispense excellent training.
Sofrecom Tunisia has 300 staff today, mostly specialist IT and telecoms engineers, and it expects to create 200 new jobs by 2017. It has already surpassed its job creation commitment and in April 2015 it became the first foreign company to sign the Smart Tunisia Agreement, confirming its determination to create qualified jobs for young professionals from Tunisian universities. It was also recognized at the FIPA Awards in June 2015 as "the most dynamic company in its sector".
Its efforts are in line with the ambitions of the Tunisian government to create 50,000 jobs in offshoring activities and 100,000 to support e-government projects by 2020.
Sofrecom Group, Partner of Digital Transformation
Sofrecom Tunisia's ambition is to become a benchmark nearshore provider on the Tunisian market, and to lend its experience to flagship digital projects in e-government, e-health, e-education, and e-banking.
The company benefits from Sofrecom and Orange's know-how in digital innovation and can capitalize on Sofrecom's successful projects. Examples include e-government programs (Morocco), the conception and implementation of IT masterplans and even the digitalization of administrative processes. Sofrecom has also developed specific approaches to Change Management and Capacity Building to support organizations' digital plans and new operating modes of incumbent operators in the Middle East and Asia.
As regards customer experience, Sofrecom helped roll out a single CXM solution in all Orange AMEA subsidiaries. Finally, Sofrecom played an key role in deploying Orange's mobile financial services.
A propos de Sofrecom
Sofrecom, filiale d’Orange, développe depuis 50 ans un savoir-faire unique dans les métiers de l’opérateur, qui en fait aujourd’hui l’un des leaders mondiaux du conseil et de l’ingénierie. Son expérience des marchés matures et des économies émergentes, conjuguée à sa solide connaissance des évolutions structurantes du marché des télécommunications, en font un partenaire incontournable pour les opérateurs, gouvernements et investisseurs internationaux. Ces dernières années, plus de 200 acteurs majeurs, dans plus de 100 pays (Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie, Europe et Amérique Latine), ont confié à Sofrecom la conduite de leurs projets stratégiques et opérationnels. À l’heure de la révolution numérique, Sofrecom accompagne ses clients dans leur transformation digitale. Sofrecom est une entreprise internationale riche de sa diversité, avec plus de 1300 consultants et experts répartis dans 10 implantations à travers le monde et issus de plus de 30 nationalités. Sofrecom est avant tout un réseau d’hommes et de femmes, un puissant réseau de savoir-faire et d’expertises qui relie ses clients, les experts Orange, ses partenaires industriels et locaux. Le Know-How Network de Sofrecom, c’est aussi la garantie d’un transfert de savoir-faire, de compétences et d’expertises pour une transformation durable s’appuyant sur des méthodologies certifiées au niveau international. Sofrecom est certifié ISO 9001, CMMI et Ethic Intelligence.
Sofrecom, The Know-How Network
(1) France, Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie, Middle-East (Dubaï, Qatar), Indonésie, Thaïlande, Malaisie, Argentine.
Press contacts
Sofrecom SA :
Valérie Thévenin,
+33(0) 1 57 36 43 00
Orange Tunisie :
Abdelaziz Djilani
+216 50 01 23 55