Credits / Legal notice

Sofrecom web site team

Claire Khoury : Head of Marketing, Communication & CSR
Stawson Blaizin : Digital marketing project manager

Website ergonomy, graphic design and development

Photo Credits

Delasource and Sofrecom


Legal Information


Sofrecom, limited company with a capital of € 1 000 000
Registration number: Nanterre B 672 004 660
Registered office: 1er étage bâtiment 2A, 46 Avenue de la République, 92320 Châtillon, France
Phone: + 33 (0)1 57 36 42 00
intra-Community VAT identification number: FR 39 672 004 660
SIRET number: 67200466000037

Director of publication: Claire Khoury, Head of Marketing, Communication and CSR of Sofrecom Group
01 57 36 45 00



Sofrecom website is hosted by Heraku Inc (
Headquarters: 500 Third Street, Suite 510, San Francisco, CA 94107